Monday, October 6, 2008

What we've been up to

Caroline thought she was so cute playing out on the porch one day. She asked me to take her picture, so I did. I agree...she is pretty cute.

This was at the end of a very messy dinner, so Caroline's dress had to come off. She loves being "naked baby". I'm not real sure why there is one pink shoe and one purple, but it all goes well with the orange bow in her hair. :-)

I think Camden was wondering about the two different colored shoes too!

He is getting bigger every day and his hair is starting to turn lighter. I wonder if he is going to have blond hair like his big sister.

I don't think I'll be sending this picture to the Auburn Alumni Association for their newsletter, but we can blame the wardrobe on her Great Aunt Pam!
In her defense, Caroline thought this was a ballerina outfit, I couldn't bring myself to correct her!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Camden is growing by the minute! He is definitely staying awake more so we can see his pretty brown eyes!! He is sleeping good at night and we are starting to fall into a good routine.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our New Addition

Well, I haven't posted anything since it snowed, so I'm a little bit of a slacker! But, we have been a little busy!

Camden Dane Smith was born September 8, 2008 @ 12:36 pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20.5" long.

Caroline is doing great with him and loves to sing "Rock A Bye Baby" to her little brother. She is getting so big!

Here we are coming home from the hospital.
Everything is going great and we are enjoying getting to know Camden.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Caroline's First Snow

Today was Caroline's first ever SNOW DAY! She wasn't too sure about the snow, but loved being outside with all the kids from the street. She did get a little cold and wanted to go in to warm up by the fire that her Daddy built this morning.
Here's Mommy & Caroline watching the other kids having a snowball fight.

Here is a picture of the house in the snow. It was a really pretty sight.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Our First Blog!!!

Well, It looks like we're going to have to join the crowd and create a blog. I officially I have no idea what I'm doing, but I guess I'll feel my way through it.
This is a picture from the photo shoot we did for Caroline's Birthday back in August, but it is still cute, so I decided to start with that one.
Once I have some Christmas pictures ready, I'll post those.